
振动扫痰仪对老年呼吸系统疾病的干预作用 被引量:17

The interfering function of vibramatic sputumsweeper for the respiratory systematie disease of senile patint.
摘要 探讨振动扫痰仪对老年性呼吸系统疾病的干预作用,方法:患呼吸系统疾病的老年病121例,其中慢性支气管炎33例,哮喘27例;支气管扩张11例;肺气肿29例;肺心病21例,都伴有较严重的肺部感染,痰液粘稠,不易咳出等症状。通过使用振动扫痰仪3-4天,效果:112例效果明显,患者粘稠浓痰易排出,肺内痰液明显减少,肺部听诊,呼吸音清晰,音减少,肺通气量增加,结论,振动扫痰仪对排痰,保持气道通畅,效果明显,替代了护士传统的手拍方式,减轻了护士的工作强度。 Objeitine to discuss the interfering function of vibramatic sput um sweeper for the respiratory systematic disease of senile patient. Method: Amo ng 121 cases ofsenile patients suffering from respiratory systematic disease, 33 cases were chronie bronchitis, 27 cases were bronchial asthma, 11 cases were br onchieitasis,27 cases were obstructive pulmonary emphysema,21 cases were cor pa lmonale, All the patients mentioned above had serious pneumonia at the same time , The sputum was too viscous to ejeit, After three days' using of vibramitic spu tum sweeper, 112 cases of patients obtained abvious effeit, the sputum decreased obviously, auscnlation appear: breath sound was clear, babbling rale was decrea sed, pnlmonary ventilation was increased,Conclusion: there was obvious effect fo r sputam ejection, keeping airway smooth, by wsing vibramatic spatam sweeper, it aited for the traditional clapping way by mase, alleviated niorse's working s trength.
出处 《中国医学装备》 2005年第6期35-36,共2页 China Medical Equipment
关键词 呼吸系统疾病 干预作用 振动 慢性支气管炎 支气管扩张 肺部感染 痰液粘稠 肺部听诊 肺通气量 气道通畅 工作强度 老年性 老年病 肺气肿 肺心病 呼吸音 护士 Vibramatic sputum sweeper senile patient respiratory systematic diseas e nursing of sputum ejection.
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