his study was designed to investigate the changes of frontal bone advancement and compensatorycraniofacial growth in rabbits after coronal suture immobilization. Twenty animals underwent bilateralcoronal suture immobilization, ten animals served as controls. The coronal suture was releassed at 6week of age by frontal bone craniotomy(group 2)or frontal bone advancement(group 3).Postoperativelateral head radiographs were taken at 8,14,and 20 week.Craniofacial length,nasal bone length,fa-cial angle,and palatal angle were measured.The result revealed that craniotomy alone or in combina-tion with frontal bone advancement after immobilization produced different compensatory craniofacialgrowth changes. Animals that underwent craniotomy alone showed restenosis postoperatively which re-sulted in significant changes of the facial plane. Animals that underwent frontal bone advancementshowed overall normal relationship of the cranial base and middle face. These were no significantchanges on facial plane. This experimental findings suggest that frontal bone advancement is a bettersurgical procedure for patients with coronl suture synostosis. The results help us understand basic com-pensatory craniofacial growth mechanism in surgical management of patients with craniofacial anoma-lies.
Journal of China Medical University
coronal suture synostosis
frontal bone advancement