
不同施肥处理对冬小麦产量、蛋白组分和加工品质的影响 被引量:32

Effect of Different Fertilizer Regimes on Grain Yield,Protein Composition and Processing Quality in Winter Wheat
摘要 试验在中国农业科学院作物科学研究所试验基地进行,供试品种为强筋面包小麦品种中优9701,试验地土质为壤土。试验设不同肥料组合处理,研究对面包小麦产量和品质的影响。结果表明,在施肥量相同条件下,氮肥底施和追施各半的处理产量最高,与氮肥全部底施和70%底施的处理相比产量差异达到显著水平。各施肥处理产量均比对照显著提高。所有施肥处理均比对照(不施肥)极显著提高了籽粒蛋白质总量和谷蛋白含量,清蛋白、球蛋白和醇溶蛋白也有所提高。各施肥处理均比对照极显著提高了沉降值、湿面筋、干面筋和吸水率及面包体积,面团形成时间和稳定时间也有所延长。氮肥底施比例在50%以上的处理对改善品质性状更为有利。适当增施氮肥可以增加沉降值、湿面筋、干面筋、吸水率、形成时间和面包体积,对产量也有正向调节效应。 With the improvement of living standard, people make great effects not only for the increment of wheat grain yield, but also for the improvement of wheat quality in China .The experiment was carried out at the experimental station of the Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The strong gluten bread wheat cultivar Zhongyou 9701 and loam soil were used to study the effect of different fertilizer combinations on yield and quality. The results showed that under the condition of the same amount of fertilizer, the treatment (A4) of half basic N fertilizer and half top-dressing fertilizer had the highest yield, and there was a significant difference with treatments A1 and A2 which were applied with 100% and 70% basic N fertilizer treatment respectively (Table 1). The yield of all treatments fertilized was more remarkable increased than that of control (A10, no fertilizer applied). Gross protein and glutenin contents of all were improved mightily, and the content of albumin, globulin, gliadin improved too (Table 2). Sedimentation, wet gluten, dry gluten, water absorption rate and bread volume of the treatments with fertilizer application were increased more significantly than those of control. Dough development time and stability time were prolonged also (Table 3,4). When the ratio of basic N fertilizer was above 50%, the effect of wheat quality improvement was more prominent. In conclusion, sedimentation, wet gluten, dry gluten, water absorption rate, dough development time and bread volume will be improved and the grain yield will be increased if nitrogen fertilizer is reasonably increased in wheat cultivation.
出处 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期772-776,共5页 Acta Agronomica Sinica
基金 国家"十五"科技攻关资助项目(2001BA507A09)。
关键词 面包小麦 施肥 蛋白组分 加工品质 Bread wheat Fertilizer Protein composition Processing quality
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