By using differential staining tech-nique for simultaneous visualization of mitotic spindleand chromosomes, this paper studied the mitotic spin-dle damage induced by estradiol in Chinese hamsterfibroblast cell line (CHL) cells. Experimental resultsshow that following the increase of estradiol concentra-tions the number of metaphases with nonnalmorphology of spindles decrease obviously. And thereis no nonnal spindle can be seen at the highest concen-tration (50.0 mg . L-1). That means estradiol is a sortof spindle poison. There are two kinds of abnormalspindle metaphases, one is non-congression and theother is apolar. When the concentration of estradiol isless than 5.0 mg . L-1 the main kind of abnonnal spin-le is non-congression and its highest value is 47.5%.The dose-effect relationships of other kinds of abnor-mal spindles such as non-disjunction, lagging,monopolar and multipolar do not show regularchanges. The similarities and the differences betweenestradiol and colchicine as well-known spindle poisonregarding the induction of spindle damage are brieflydiscussed.
Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology