
呼家楼社区居民代谢综合征易患因素的非条件Logistic回归分析 被引量:4

Unconditional logistic stepwise regression analysis of Hu Jia Lou community residents metabolic syndrome occurred factors
摘要 目的:了解代谢综合征的患病情况与易患因素。方法:2000年3月至2003年1月,对呼家楼社区接受体检的35岁以上居民3152人进行代谢综合征患病情况及其患病因素的调查,进行非条件Logistic回归分析。结果:代谢综合征的发病率为11.3%。最终进入回归模型的因素有年龄、对WHO建议每日摄盐量的知晓程度、健身习惯、糖尿病家族史、吸烟史、高脂饮食、饮酒习惯,其中年龄愈大、糖尿病家族史、吸烟量大、酗酒者是居民患代谢综合征的危险性因素(回归系数>0,P<0.05,OR>1),而知晓WHO建议每日摄盐量、健身活动增多,是保护性因素(回归系数<0,P<0.05,OR<1)。结论:应根据研究结果,采取相应防治措施,降低社区居民的代谢综合征发病率。 Objective To grasp prevalence and occurred factors of metabolic syndrome. Methods From March 2000 to January 2003, to investigate the prevalence and occurred factors of metabolic syndrome for 3 152 resdents aged morn than 35 receiving body checked in Hu Jia Lou community, doing unconditional Logistic regression analysis. Results The prevalence of Metabolic syndrome was 11.3% . The factors included in the regression module were age, knowledge level to the daily absorbing salt suggested by WHO, exercise habits, the Diabetic Mellitus family history, smoking history, high grease diet and drink habits. Among of them, high aged, the Diabetic Mellitus family history, smoking more, high grease diet and alcoholism were dangerous factors to residents of metabolic syndrome (Regression factor >0, P 1), knowing the daily absorbing salt suggested by WHO and more exercises were protective factors (Regression factor < 0, P < 0.05, OR < 1) Conclusion According to the investigated result, it is necessary to carry out the relevant measures to decrease the prevalence of metabo1lic syndrome in the community.
出处 《实用医学杂志》 CAS 2005年第11期1218-1220,共3页 The Journal of Practical Medicine
关键词 代谢综合征X 疾病影响状态 调查 回归分析 Metabolic syndromex Sickness impact profile regression anarysis
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