目的 研制一种适合出血部位植骨的碳酸化羟基磷灰石骨水泥代骨材料。方法 合成碳酸化羟基磷灰石骨水泥,在固化液中按重量比添加水溶性磷酸化壳聚糖,通过固化时间、抗压强度、残余百分比、X线衍射分析、傅里叶变换红外线分析等检测方法筛选合适的配方。结果 添加壳聚糖对碳酸化羟基磷灰石骨水泥的固化时间影响不大,平均固化时间为11~15min ,符合临床操作要求。但是对抗压强度影响较大,由39MPa降到31MPa。壳聚糖的添加量为0 4 % (质量分数)时,抗稀散达到10 0 %。大于0 5 %时,骨水泥的操作性能明显下降。添加量为1 5 %时,部分标本发现少量的磷酸八钙形成,羟基磷灰石的转化受到了影响。傅里叶变换红外线分析证明,其固化产物的晶格相中含有5 6 %碳酸根成分。结论 磷酸化壳聚糖能明显增加碳酸化羟基磷灰石骨水泥的黏度系数,增强钙离子的熬合作用,有效抑制血液渗入材料内部,保证骨水泥的固化反应顺利进行。当壳聚糖的添加量为0 4 %时,材料表现出良好的操作性能,抗稀散性达到10 0 % ,适合出血部位的骨缺损修复。
Objective To develop a new non-decay carbonated hydroxyapatite cement which can be used as a bone grafting in a bleeding cite.Method To prepare an in situ setting non-decay carbonated hydroxyapatite cement, add p-chitosan in liquid phase, and screen out the appropriate prescription of this cement according to the test of setting time, compressive strength, percentage of remaining cement, X-ray diffraction analysis, and fouriery transform infrared analysis.Result The amount of p-chitosan added in liquid phase did not affect the setting time of this cement. The checking results demonstrate that the setting time is 12~15 minutes which is suitable for surgical use. However it had an evident effect on the mean compressive strength which is 31 MPa lower than the original strength 39 MPa. When adding 0.4% p-chitosan in liquid phase, the anti-washout effect of the cement is 100%. If adding p-chitosan more than 0.5%, the manipulating property of the cement decline greatly. If the cement contains 1.5% p-chitosan, the hydroxyapatite transformation will be inhabited, and leads to one main phase octocalcium phosphate.Conclusion P-chitosan can increase the cement's viscosity coefficient, and effectively inhabit the penetration of fluid into the cement paste, and be sure of the setting reaction of the cement normally. When the cement contains 0.4% p-chitosan in liquid phase, it shows a good manipulating property, and can achieve 100% anti-washout,so this cement suits to be bone grafting for a bleeding cite.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering
国家自然科学基金项目 (3 9670 73 1)资助