The QR-RLS-CMOE algorithm which was applied to synchronous DS/CDMA systems in AWGN channel, is modified and applied to asynchronous DS/CDMA systems in multi-path fading channel in this paper. Computer simulation experiences show that the asynchronous QR-RLS-CMOE (A-QR-RLS-CMOE) blind multiuser detection algorithm can well cancel multiple access interference and overcome multipath fading, and has a good anti-near-far effect in the case of τ<<bT .
The QR-RLS-CMOE algorithm which was applied to synchronous DS/CDMA systems in AWGN channel, is modified and applied to asynchronous DS/CDMA systems in multi-path fading channel in this paper. Computer simulation experiences show that the asynchronous QR-RLS-CMOE (A-QR-RLS-CMOE) blind multiuser detection algorithm can well cancel multiple access interference and overcome multipath fading, and has a good anti-near-far effect in the case of τ<<bT .