
多产品工业系统的能值分析 被引量:21

Emergy Analysis of Industrial Multi-product Systems
摘要 介绍了起源于生态领域的能值分析方法.为了扩展能值分析方法的应用范围,根据能值分析的基本思想,并以能量守恒和能值守恒为依据,建立了多产品工业系统能值分析模型.将能量分率作为分配系数,提出了评价多产品工业系统的评价指标:共生指数.为了获得对比结果,还对相应的单产物系统提出了数均指数.若共生指数优于数均指数,则多产品联产系统优于单产系统.通过垃圾焚烧热电联产方案的能值分析,验证了多产品的能值分析模型.并与常规燃煤热电联产系统进行了比较,以说明能值分析方法的优势. Emergy analysis is a new analysis methodology, which can assess a system from the resource utilization and environmental effect. In this paper, the principles of emergy analysis, a new analysis method on energy consumption, are introduced. In order to extend the application range, the model of emergy analysis on industrial multi-product systems is established, based on the fundamental principles of energy conservation and emergy conservation. Joint indices and weighted average indices are proposed, which are designed with the aid of the energy consumption ratio used as the distribution coefficient. Joint indices give the indices for co-generation systems, while weighted average indices indicate the indices if each individual system produces one product. When joint indices are better than weighted average indices, the co-generation system is preferred. Two systems of heat and power co-generation for garbage burning are employed as a case study to prove the efficacy of the model, and compared with the traditional cogeneration system which uses coal as the fuel to show the advantages of emergy analysis.
出处 《过程工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期317-321,共5页 The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:20436040) 国家重点基础研究发展规划资助项目(编号:2003CB214500)
关键词 能值分析 工业系统 评价指标 模型 emergy analysis industrial multi-product system evaluation index model
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