
小麦籽粒硬度及其分子遗传基础研究回顾与展望 被引量:37

Review and Prospect of Wheat Kernel Hardness and Its Molecular Genetics Basis
摘要 籽粒硬度是最重要的小麦品质性状之一,是市场分级和定价的重要依据。随着硬度测试方法的日趋完善,其分子遗传基础的研究逐步加快。硬度主要受位于5D染色体短臂上一个主效基因和多个微效基因控制,Pina和Pinb是形成小麦籽粒硬度的基础。PINA蛋白的缺失或编码PINB蛋白的基因突变均造成小麦胚乳质地变硬。中国目前该项研究较少,与国外相比仍有很大差距,本文着重阐述了小麦胚乳结构及硬度的生化和遗传基础,旨在为我国小麦籽粒硬度的研究提供理论依据。 Kernel hardness, controlled by a major gene located on the short arm of chromosome 5D, is one of the most important wheat quality characteristics and determines marketing and classification of common wheat. With the development of hardness measuring, the molecular genetic basis of kernel hardness has rapidly progressed. It is known that Pina and Pinb form the molecular basis of wheat kernel hardness and lacking of PINA or mutation in Pinb caused wheat endosperm become hard. Endosperm structure and genetic basis of hardness are summarized in order to provide useful information in understanding the formation of grain hardness.
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期1088-1094,共7页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 国家863计划(2002AA207003) 国家自然基金(30260061) 973重点发展研究规划(2002CB11130)
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