
意大利蜂多王群的组建及蜂王产卵力的观察 被引量:14

Technique for organizing multi-queen colony of Apis mellifera ligustica, with observations on the rate of egg production of queens
摘要 采用生物诱导和环境诱导相结合的技术方法,成功组建多只蜂王在同一产卵区内自由活动、正常产卵的多王群,并且实现了多王同巢越冬,修订了“人工组成的同巢多王群,多只蜂王只能相处几个月”的传统观念。通过对多王群蜂王产卵力的观察发现,经生物诱导处理的单只蜂王的产卵力与未经处理蜂王的产卵力相比无显著差异;而3王群和5王群蜂王的产卵力分别是单只蜂王产卵力的222.94%和367.09%。最后,对多王群在蜜蜂生物学的理论研究和养蜂生产应用中的意义进行了讨论。 By means of biological and environmental induction, multi-queen colony was organized, and the queens could move around peacefully and give normal egg_laying in the same laying area. Furthermore, the aim of making multi-queens living through winter was achieved in the experiment, which revised the conclusion that the artificial multi-queen colony could live together only for a few months and would not survive winter. The experiment results showed that the rate of egg production of a single treated queen was similar to that of untreated single one,and the rate of egg production of three-queen colony and five-queen colony were 222.94% and 367.09% of that of the single queen colony, respectively. The biological significance of the multi-queen colony and the application prospect of this technique were discussed.
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期465-468,共4页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30371089) 浙江省科技厅基金项目(2004C32027)
关键词 意大利蜂 多王群 生物诱导 环境诱导 蜂王 产卵力 Apis mellifera ligustica multi-queen colony biological induction environmental induction queen bee rate of egg production
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