
汉语短时识别中的偏好效应 被引量:1

The Preference Effect in the Short-term Priming of Chinese Words
摘要 使用2-AFC任务,对汉语短时识别中的偏好效应进行研究。结果表明:汉语识别中存在偏好效应;偏好效应受词频变化的影响,高频时有更大的偏好效应;本实验的偏好效应不受启动词加工水平的影响,说明它是在一种纯的内隐记忆条件下产生的。 By using two-alternative forced-choice task (2-AFC), this study examined the preference effect in the short-term priming of Chinese words. The result showed that the preference effect did exist. The frequency of words had significant influence on preference. The preference effect was greater when the words were at a high frequency. The result also demonstrated that preference occurred on the condition of pure implicit memory, which did not depend on the processing level.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期594-597,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 效应 偏好 识别 汉语 加工水平 内隐记忆 word frequency, processing level, preference
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