M-T curves, M-H curves and electron spin resonance (ESR) curves of LaMn_(1-x)Zn_xO_3(x=0.05, 0.10, (0.20,) 0.30, 0.40) were studied. Experimental results indicate that: with increasing Zn doping, the T_C value decreases monotonously, and the system undergoes a transition from long-range ferromagnetic order to cluster-spin glass stated. The results are attributed to double exchange interaction, magnetic dilution and lattice effects by Zn doping.
M-T curves, M-H curves and electron spin resonance (ESR) curves of LaMn_(1-x)Zn_xO_3(x=0.05, 0.10, (0.20,) 0.30, 0.40) were studied. Experimental results indicate that: with increasing Zn doping, the T_C value decreases monotonously, and the system undergoes a transition from long-range ferromagnetic order to cluster-spin glass stated. The results are attributed to double exchange interaction, magnetic dilution and lattice effects by Zn doping.
ProjectsupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(19934003)andtheStateKeyProjectofFundamen talResearchofChina(001CB610604)