
重庆市机动车驾驶员和前排乘员交通伤与安全带使用情况分析 被引量:19

Relationship of traffic injuries of drivers and front row passengers with safety belt use in Chongqing
摘要 目的通过对重庆市机动车驾驶员和前排乘员交通伤的分析,探讨重庆市机动车驾驶员和前排乘员交通伤特点与安全带使用的关系。方法对重庆市近郊五个区、县2001年的246起小型汽车相互碰撞事故驾驶员和前排乘员的伤亡与机动车安全带使用情况进行分析,并采用U检验和χ2检验进行比较。结果(1)使用和未使用安全带的损伤发生比例分别为5.3%(43/804)和94.7%(761/804)(P<0.01);头部损伤发生比例最高,为41.2%(331/804);面部损伤发生比例次之,为21.4%(172/804);(2)使用和不使用安全带的死亡率分别为2.8%(19/682)和20.2%(138/682)(P<0.01)。结论加强机动车安全带有关知识的宣传,严格安全带使用执法,提高安全带使用率,对减少交通事故伤亡具有重要意义。 Objectives To investigate the relation between traffic injury characteristics of drivers and front row passengers and safety belt use by analyzing traffic injuries of drivers and front row passengers in Chongqing. Methods Analysis was done on mortality of drivers and front row passengers as well as safety belt use in 246 traffic accidents that involved minicars in five districts and counties of Chongqing in 2001. The results were compared by U-test and χ~2-test. Results (1) Injury incidence rates of drivers using safety belt and those without using safety belt were 5.3% (43/804) and 94.7% (761/804) respectively (P< 0.01), with incidence rate of brain injury for 41.2% (331/804), the highest, and that of facial injuries for 21.4% (172/804). (2) Mortality of drivers using or not safety belt was 2.8% (19/682) and 20.2% (138/682) respectively (P< 0.01). Conclusion The higher safety belt use rate by propaganda and rigorously executing law on safety belt use is of great significance to decreasing mortality and injuries caused by traffic accidents.[
出处 《中华创伤杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期452-454,共3页 Chinese Journal of Trauma
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