
美国对1969年中苏边界冲突的反应 被引量:5

Reactions from the US to Sino - Soviet Border Conflict in 1969
摘要 1969年的中苏边界冲突使双方走到了战争的边缘,美国方面对中苏冲突的反应是一个从倾向于中国“好战”和“挑衅”到看清苏联意图的认识过程。美国一直想利用中苏分歧,使其在与苏联争夺霸权的较量中获利。1969年的中苏边界冲突客观上为美国提供了一个绝好的机会,尼克松政府也抓住了这个机会。中苏边界冲突造成的中苏关系空前紧张的形势,使尼克松、基辛格感到美国有可能在处理美、苏、中三角关系中处于优越地位。所以,中苏冲突客观上是促进美国加速调整对华政策的催化剂。 The border conflict in 1969 brought China and the Soviet Union to the brink of war. At first the US regarded China as 'bellicose' and 'provocative' but gradually it saw the true intention of the Soviet side. The Americans had always tried to take advantage of the Sino - Soviet disputes in order to outweigh the Soviets in their contention for world hegemony. The border conflict in 1969 objectively provided an excellent opportunity for the US, which the Nixon administration seized to its advantage. Nixon and Kissinger were elated with its possible advantageous position in the triangle relations among the US, the USSR and China as a result of the unprecedentedly intense relations between the Soviet Union and China as marked by their border conflict. Thus the border conflict served as a strong catalyst for the American government to accelerate the change in its China policy.
作者 何慧
出处 《当代中国史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期66-75,共10页 Contemporary China History Studies
关键词 边界冲突 中苏关系 中关关系 border conflict, the Sino - Soviet relations, Sino - American relations
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  • 1徐焰.《1969年中苏边界的武装冲突》[J].《党史研究资料》,1994,.
  • 2杨奎松.《从珍宝岛事件到缓和对美关系》[J].《党史研究资料》,1997,.
  • 3U.S. State Department, Bureau of Intelligence and Research: Intelligence Note, "USSR/China: Soviet and Chinese Forces Clash on the Ussuri River", 4 March 1969, National Archives, Record Group 59, Department of State Records,SN 67 - 69, Pol 32 - 1 Chicom - USSR. 这一组文件来自 William Burr, ed., A National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book.
  • 4Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, "Weekly Review", 21 March 1969, CIA Freedom of Information Release to National Security Archive.
  • 5Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, "Weekly Review", 16 May 1969, CIA Freedom of Information Release to National Security Archive.
  • 6U.S. State Department, Bureau of Intelligence and Research: Intelligence Note, "Communist China: Peking Inflates Soviet War Threat", 3 June 1969, National Archives, SN 67-69, Pol Chicom-USSR.
  • 7U.S. State Department Memorandum of Conversation, "Comments of Soviet Embassy Officer on China Vietnam", 13 June1969, National Archives, SN 67 - 69, Pol Chicom - USSR.
  • 8U.S. State Department, Bureau of Intelligence and Research: Intelligence Note, "Peking' s Tactics and Intentions Along the Sino- Soviet Border", 13 June 1969, National Archives, SN 67 -69, Pol 32- 1 Chicom- USSR.
  • 9U.S. State Department, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Office of Asian Communist Affairs, "Implications of Sino- Soviet Developments: Meeting of June 21", 23 June 1969, National Archives, SN 67 -69, Pol 32- 1 Chicom-USSR.
  • 10Report from A. Dobrynin to the Politburo, CCCPSU on conversation between Dobrynin and Kissinger, July 12, 1969,Virtual Archive, Cold War Internal History Project, http: //wwics. si. edu/












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