
欧洲的新地缘战略 被引量:5

The New Geo-Strategy of Europe
摘要 地缘战略在欧洲曾是一个非常敏感的话题,但是二战后特别是冷战结束后,地缘战略在欧洲有了新的意义。欧盟在不断地扩大,实力也越来越强,可以预计,还会有更多的国家加入欧盟,欧盟的实力会变得更强。谁也说不清欧盟到底应该扩展到什么地方。以欧盟为主导的欧洲已经不再满足于现在的国际角色,它要在世界上发挥更大的影响,充分显示欧洲在国际上的重要性。欧洲要与美国建立真正意义上的伙伴关系,这种伙伴关系的一个基本特征就是平等。欧洲要想实现它的地缘新战略面临着很多困难,而且它的内部还有许多问题亟待解决,但这并不能阻止欧洲地缘战略的实践。 Geo-strategy was once a very sensitive issue in Europe. However, after World War II, especially after the Cold War, geo-strategy has new implications in Europe. The EU has been constantly enlarged with increasing strength. Predictably, there will be more and more countries joining the EU, and its strength will be further enhanced. No one knows for sure to what extent the EU should expand itself. But it is evident that the Europe-dominating EU is no longer satisfied with its present role on the world stage. Instead, it wants to be more significant in world affairs and to fully show its importance to the outside world. The EU wants to establish a real-sense partnership with the United States that is characterized by equity. To realize its new geo-strategy, the EU has faced many difficulties, in addition to the many internal issues that need to be urgently solved. Nevertheless, this will not stop its practice of a new geo-strategy.
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期47-52,共6页 World Economics and Politics
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  • 2Christian Hacke,“Die Auβenpolitik der Regierung Schroder/Fischer : Zwischenbilanz und Perspektiven,”Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, B 48/2002, http://www. bpb. de/publikationen/apuz.
  • 3Hans Brill, “Geopolitik in der Diskussion,”Zeitschrift fur Politik,92( 1998)2, S. 205.
  • 4Monika Wulf-Mathies.“Die Reform der europaischen Strukturpolitik und die Zukunft der interregionalen und transnationalen Zusammenarbeit”, http://www.europa.eu. int/comm/dg16/speeches/sp45-de. htm.
  • 5Felix Bruck, Weltordnung im Wandel. Geopolitik 2000. Deutschland in der Welt an Vorabend des 3. Jahrtausend, Frankfurt/M-Bonn,1996, S. 11.
  • 6德维尔潘.“L' Europe et ses cercles concentriques”, 2. 12. 2002, http ://www. botschaft-frankreich.de.
  • 7Christian Hacke, “Die Auβenpolitik der Regierung Schroder/Fischer: Zwischenbilanz und Perspektiven,” http ://www. bpb. de/publikationen/apuz.
  • 8Transatlantic Trends 2003, Ein Projekt des German Marshall Fund of the United States und der Compagnia di San Paolo unter Beteiligung der Luso-American Foundation, http ://www. tranatlantictrends.com.
  • 9Timothy Garton Ash, Michael Mertes, Dominique Moisi, “Only a Club of Throe Can Bring European Unity,” Financial Times, November 7,2003, p. 11, http ://www. lsealumni, de/doc/Mertes20030711. rtf.
  • 10.鲁道夫·马雷施与克里施蒂安·沃茨尼克(Krystian woznycki)在伊拉克战争结束后关于地缘政治形势的一次谈话 2003年4月到5月网上曾报道过这件事[EB/OL].http://www.rudolf-maresch.de/uebermich.php.,.











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