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2OCED/PISA,Measuring Student Knowledge and Skills,The PISA Assessment of Reading,Mathematical and Scientific Literacy.2000.
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4Einstein,A."Preface to M.Plank",Where is Science Going?Allen and Unwin, London. 转引自 OCED/PISA, Measuring Student Knowledge and Skills,The PISA 2000 Assessment of Reading,Mathematical and Scientific Literacy 1933.
5Hawking,S.W.A Brief History of Time, Bantam Press,London 1988.
6Millar, R., Osborne,J. Beyond 2000: Science Education for Future,King's College London School of Education,London 1998.
7UNESCO International Forum on Scientific and Technological Literacy for All,Final Report,UNESCO,Paris 1993.
8Shamos,M.H. (1995).The myth of scientific literacy. New Brunswick,NJ:Rutgers University Press.
9Bybee,R.W. "Towards an understanding of scientific literacy",in W.Grabe and C.Bolte (eds.), Scientific Literacy-An International Symposium,IPN,Kiel 1997.