
姚际恒《诗经通论》研究(下) 被引量:1

Yao Ji-heng's General Survey of 'The Book of Songs'
摘要 Yao Ji-heng, a scholar of Confucian classics in the early Qing Dynasty, was very courageous tochallenge the academic authority and practiced a rational criticism as other enlightening thinkers of his time.He was also as meticulous and persistent as those scholars in Qianlong and Jiaqing periods, in the critical in-terpretation of ancient texts. His works, General Survey of ’The Book of Songs’, make a challenge to thebelief that the book was full of "eulogistic and satiric poems" in Preface to Poetry and doubts the view that thesongs were "indecent poems" in Commentaries on Poetry. Yao adheres to a set of principles of annotation inhis study on poetry, such as "return to the classics", "agreement with the context; and " priority of the poet’sintention". General Survey of ’The Book of Songs’ is considered as a masterpiece of the school of "Doubts onAncient History" in the Qing Dynasty. Yao Ji-heng, a scholar of Confucian classics in the early Qing Dynasty, was very courageous tochallenge the academic authority and practiced a rational criticism as other enlightening thinkers of his time.He was also as meticulous and persistent as those scholars in Qianlong and Jiaqing periods, in the critical in-terpretation of ancient texts. His works, General Survey of 'The Book of Songs', make a challenge to thebelief that the book was full of 'eulogistic and satiric poems' in Preface to Poetry and doubts the view that thesongs were 'indecent poems' in Commentaries on Poetry. Yao adheres to a set of principles of annotation inhis study on poetry, such as 'return to the classics', 'agreement with the context; and ' priority of the poet'sintention'. General Survey of 'The Book of Songs' is considered as a masterpiece of the school of 'Doubts onAncient History' in the Qing Dynasty.
作者 张海晏
出处 《燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2005年第2期10-15,24,共7页 Journal of Yanshan University:Philosophy and Social Science
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