

Techriical Reform on Resin Bonded Sand Casting Workshop with Annual Outpulof 5000 Tons Castings
摘要 芜湖重型机床厂根据“八五”期间技术改造的规划,于1992年6月起用了半年左右的时间,应用树脂砂工艺对铸造车间进行了技术改造,并收到满意的效果。建成的年产5000t树脂砂铸件的生产系统包括:落砂、旧砂再生及回收、新砂烘干、物料输送、型砂的混制及造型(芯)等部分。整个系统采用PC控制,全部设备均为国产,辅助设施自制。 ccording to the plan of technical reform during the 8th Five-Year PlanPeriod,Wuhu Heavy Duty Machine Tool Works has undergone technical modernisation of itsfoundry for nearly a half year in June of 1992 and achieved satisfactory results. The completedresin bonded sand castings production system which produce 5000 tons per year includes shake-out,sand reclamation and recovery,new sand drying,material handling, moulding sand mixing,moulding alld coremaking.The whole system is controlled by PC. All equipments are made in China with self-made accessory devices.
作者 谢永枝
机构地区 芜湖重型机床厂
出处 《中国铸机》 1994年第2期25-28,共4页
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