he distribution of rabies virus antigen (RVAg) in human tongue and salivary glands from three cases was studied with ABC immunohistochemical method. Of the 5 tissue blocks from 2 tongues,large amounts of RVAg were found in 4 tissue blocks, located in the serous glands,terminal nerves, some striated muscle fibers and some covering epithelium including taste cells of circumvallate papillae。 Only small amounts of RVAg were present in 4 of the 9 salivary gland blocks, either within the acini or in nerves. These results differ from that reported previously in dog, fox and skunk salivary glands, which contained abundant RVAg. The amount of RVAg in human tongue is apparently greater than that in the salivarylglands.It is probable that the serous glands of the human tongue are sites of predilection for RVAg and may serve as a source ofinfection。
Chinese Journal of Pathology