AbstractPlasma levels of carbamazeoine(CBZ)and carba-niazepine-10.11- epoxide (E-CBZ) in 118 epilepticchildren treated with CBZ alone (78 cases) , and CBZin cornbination with ohenobarbital (PB) (15 cases) ,phenytoin (PHT) (7 cases)>, sodium valproate (VPAnai (10 cases) . nitrazeparn (NTZ) (8 cases) weredeterrnined bv HPLC, and the clinical efficacv wascompared between the diffezant groups.The plasma levels of CBZ and the clinical controlrate in the groups treated with CBZ +PB and CBZ+PHT were significantly lower than those in CBZ alone.The plasma level of E- CBZ in the group treated byCBZ + VPA -na was obviously higher than that ofCBZ alone. There was no significant difference in theplasma level of CBZ between the groups taking CBZalone and CBZ+VPA- na, but the clinical efficacy inthe group of CBZ+VPA-na was poorer than that inCBZ alone. Comparing the group taking CBZ alone andthose taking CBZ+NTZ,4 There was no significant dif-ference both in CBZ and E-CBZ blood levels and clini-cal efficacy betuween the groups taking CBZ alone andCBZ+NTZ;there was no correlaiion between clinicalefficacy and the plasnia level of E-CBZ. Our data sug-gest that in treatrnent of epileiisy, CBZ should not becombined with PB or PHT.
Chinese Journal of Pediatrics