
苗龄与不同基因型甜菜根际磷酸酶分泌特性间的关系研究 被引量:1

Relationship between seedling age the exudation of phosphatases in different sugar beet rhizosphere
摘要 经无菌条件下的液体生物培养试验和研究表明:①参试的3个甜菜品种在实验条件下的任何生长时期,均能通过根表面向营养液中分泌酸性、中性和碱性磷酸酶;②苗龄对3种内源磷酸酶活性均有比较显著影响,在苗龄20d以前时,随着苗龄的增加而增加,之后均显著下降;③无论在哪个苗龄期,甜菜根系内源磷酸酶的活性均以酸性磷酸酶为主,中性磷酸酶为辅,碱性磷酸酶的活性最低;④甜菜根体内的碱性磷酸酶虽然绝对含量低于其他两种酶,但向根际分泌的相对能力最强;⑤比较不同品种,内源和根际的各种磷酸酶活性不仅在同一苗龄,而且在不同苗龄期也同样有较大的差异。 <Abstrcat>The relationship between seedling age and the exudation of phosphatases in different sugar beet rhizosphere was studied under sterile condition by the method of liquid culture,the results showed that:①all the three cultivars used in this trial could exudate acid,neutral and alkaline phosphatases to the nutrient liquid during the whole seedling stage;②the endogenous phosphathatases were significantly affected by seedling age,i.e. before 20d,the activities of phosphatases increased with the increase of seedling age,but decreased after that;③however old of the seedling stage,the activity of endogenous acid phosphatase was always the highest one,and the alkaline phosphatase was always the lowest one;④although the absolute content of the alkaline phosphatase was the lowest,its relative exuding ability was the highest one;⑤to compare within the cultivars,the differences appeared not only for the phosphatase activities of endogenous and rhizosphere at the same seedling age,but also for change trends of phosphatase activitties with the increase of seedling age.
出处 《中国甜菜糖业》 2005年第2期3-6,共4页 China Beet & Sugar
基金 国家人事部 黑龙江省自然科学基金(C00-06) 国家自然科学基金项目(30270850)
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