The present study engages indetermining whether low doses ofinternally deposited enriched uraniumUO_2F_2 could change the responsiveness of splenic lymphocytes andmonocytes to subsequent higher dosesof enriched uranium UO_2F_2. BALB/cmale mice were injected with 0.01,0.1, 1 or 10 μg/kg body weight ofUO_2F_2. Three days-later the micewere injected with 2 ×10~4μg/kg bodyweight of UO_2F_2. The animals weresacrificed at twenty-four hours afterinjection of higher doses of UO_2F_2.The results show that the splenicmonocytes and lymphocytes exposedto 0.1-10μg/kg or 0 .01-1μg/kg ofUO_2F_2 respectively become lesssusceptible to subsequent higherdoses of UO_2F_2; that is, immunecells exposed to low doses of UO_2F_2become adapted so that less cytoimmane damage represented by variationof unscheduled DNA synthesis andinterleukin-1 is induced by higherdoses of UO_2F_2 .The adaptive responseoccurred only in a limited rangeof low doses of UO_2F_2. The size ofthe induction dose seemed to beinversely related to the radiosensitivity of different immune cells.
Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection