
国内外学术界一直关注的问题:青藏高原研究——兼作开设“青藏高原研究”栏目启事 被引量:18

Pay Close Attention to an Issue at Home and Abroad Academic Circles all along:Research of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau——A notice inviting contribution to the column of“the Research of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau”in Journal of Mountain Sciences
摘要 青藏高原平均海拔4000m以上,有“世界屋脊”之称,总面积达250×104km2,占中国陆地面积1/4。1950年代以来,中国政府和中国科学院等部门曾多次组织青藏高原多学科综合考察,取得了大量第一手科学资料和丰硕成果。1990年代中期以来,青藏高原研究进入了一个新的阶段,实现了从定性到定量、从静态到动态、从宏观到微观、从区域到全球研究的转化和深入,在高原地球动力学、高原大气科学、高原环境变化和生态系统演变等领域取得了突破性进展。近来学术界在继续重视高原地球动力学研究的同时,十分关注全球变暖下的高原各种地表过程变化及其对周边地区生态与环境影响研究。青藏高原生态与环境极其脆弱,在日益增长的人口压力影响下,出现一系列生态与环境问题,表现为草地严重退化、土地沙漠化和土壤侵蚀加快等不良地表过程。与此同时,高原广大农牧民生活水平仍停留在以传统农牧业为生计的落后状态,与中国发达地区相比,反差极大,这些问题已引起学术界的极大关注。为更好地促进青藏高原在全球变化和人类活动综合影响下,各种地表过程的深入研究和加强不同学科之间的交流,本刊从今年起开设“青藏高原研究”栏目,近期稿件内容为:①环境与生态,②全球变化与青藏高原,③高原山地灾害,④资源开发与区域发展。 The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with an average elevation of 4 000 m, has an area of 2.5 million km2, accounting for a quarter of China’s land. It is the highest plateau on the earth, and known as“the roof of the World”. China’s government and concerned departments of Chinese Academy of Sciences etc. organized multi- discipline integrated surrey to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau many times since 1950s, and obtained a large number of the firsthand data and rich fruits. Research of the Qinghia-Tibet Plateau has entered a new stage since the mid- dle period in 1990s, which has brought about transformation and intensification of the plateau research from quality to quantity, from macrocosm to microcosm, from static state to dynamic state, from region to all globe etc., and obtained significant achievements in the fields of the earth dynamics, atmosphere sciences, environ- ment and ecosystem evolution etc. In recent years, while paying continuously attention to research of the earth dynamics, academic circles are paying great attention to research of the ground surface processes and their effects on environment and ecosystem of the surrounding areas in the plateau. The environment and ecosystem in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are very fragile. A lot of environment and ecological issues, such as grassland degrada- tion, land desertification etc, have been produced under influence of pressure in quick pobulation increase, and then living level of peasants and herdsmen in the plateau region has still been in backward state as means of livelihood of traditional agriculture and animal husbandry. It is found that difference between the platean region and the developed area in China is very big by comparison of an average person income. Academic circles are now paying close attention to research of these issues. In order to better promote research in depth for the various ground surface processes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau under comprehensive influences in all globe change and human being activities, and to enhance academic exchange between different disciplines. The column of academ- ic exchange of“the Research of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau”inJournal of Mountain Sciencesswill be set up in beginning of this year. We warmly welcome readers inviting contribution to the column. Contribution contents in the near future include following fields: (1) Environment and ecology, (2) Change of all globe and the Qing- hai-Tibet Plateau, (3)Mountain hazards in the plateau , (4)Resource exploitation and regional development.
作者 钟祥浩
出处 《山地学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期257-259,共3页 Mountain Research
关键词 青藏高原研究 环境与生态 学术交流栏目 <Keyword>research of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau environment and ecology the column of academic exchange
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