he cellular DNA and RNA contents of 152 pa-tients with hydatidiform moles ( 69 benign and 83 malig-nant) were analysed by flow cytometry (FCM) , andstrict follow-up was implementcd. The ctiioriouic villi oftwelve cases in early pregnancy were used as normalcontrol and another 12 cases of choriocarcinoma as posi-tive control. Retrospective as well as prospective studieswere conducted. The results showed that the accuracyrates of diagnosis of DNA aneuploid and RNA were re-spectively 66. 7% and 82. 6% in benign moles, 68. 7%and 81. 9% in invasive moles. Statistically the RNA pa-rameter was significantly more sensitive the DNA pa-rameter (p<0. 05 ). Analysis with both RNA andDNA parameters in predicting malignancy , the accuracyrate was 94. 0%. Our study suggests that both the ane-uploidy DNA and RNA contents may be important indi-cators for forecasting mahgnant change. The RNA pa-rameter is more sensitive than the DNA parameter, andthe use of both parameters is more accurate than eitherone alone. In addition, the concept of“standtard DNAindex”is raised.
Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology