
英汉词典历史文本与双语心理词库 被引量:11

Historical Texts of English-Chinese Dictionaries and Bilingual Mental Lexicon
摘要 本文从双语心理词库结构及词汇提取等视阈详细分析了英汉词典历史文本即1911-1937年间出版的英汉词典在英语-汉语白话文心理词库的形成与发展中所发挥的作用。本文认为,英汉词典历史文本确定了英语和汉语白话文之间语言层面的等值关系,为当时双语心理词库的形成提供了重要的物质基础。此外,这些文本还提供了关于英语词汇的准确可靠的全方位信息,成为双语心理词库的信息监控和过滤机制。 From the perspectives of the organization and the lexical access of bilingual mental lexicon, this paper presents a detailed explanation of the role of historic texts of English-Chinese dictionaries, namely, English-Chinese dictionaries published during the period from 1911 to 1937, in the formation and development of English-Vernacular Chinese mental lexicon. The paper argues that by way of establishing a relationship of equivalence between English and Vernacular Chinese on the level of langue, these dictionaries provided material foundation for such a bilingual mental lexicon. Besides, they played a part in the supervision and filter mechanism of this mental lexicon by offering all-round reliable information of English vocabulary.
作者 胡开宝
出处 《外语研究》 北大核心 2005年第3期57-61,共5页 Foreign Languages Research
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