
生物源提取液与工业废水对土壤中Ni、Co的活化研究 被引量:3

Effect of biological organic chelators on solubilization of Ni and Co in soils
摘要 研究了酢浆草提取液(OX)、猪粪提取液(PM)以及味精厂废水(MGW)对土壤中Ni、Co的作用。结果表明,OX提取液原液对土壤中的Ni、Co有较好的活化作用,其活化比例分别达到4.8%和14.6%,但稀释后效果大幅度下降;MGW原液可活化土壤中的1.6%的Ni,但对Co的活化效果较差;PM提取液则对土壤中的重金属起到一定的固定作用。OX提取液的pH值与Ni、Co总活化比例之间呈显著幂相关,可能是由于受到多种酸性活性成分的影响所致。 Effect of biological organic chelators including extraction from Oxalis (OX), Pig Manure (PM) and monosodium gluta-mate waste (MGW) on heavy metal solubilization has been investigated in this paper. The result indicated that OX solution (without dilution)had a positive effect on solubilization of Ni and Co in serpentine soils with solubilized ratio being 4.8%, 14.6%, respectively, but effect on solubilization decreased greatly after dilution. MGW solution was effective for Ni with solubilized ratio being 1.6% while it showed little effect on Co solubilization. Contrast to the former chelators, PM solution acted in a totally different way. It might be propitious to nickel sorption in soils and stabilization of nickel and cobalt was observed when PM solution was added. A statistically significant exponential relation (P<0.01) between the pH of OX solution and the solubilization ratios of nickel and cobalt was observed. The various acidic ingredients contained in Oxalis plant tissue might contribute to this exponential relation.
出处 《生态环境》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期345-348,共4页 Ecology and Environmnet
基金 国家863计划项目(2001-AA-640501-03) 国家自然科学基金项目(20177035) 教育部留学回国人员基金项目 广东省重大科技专(2004A30308002)
关键词 生物源提取液 工业废水 土壤 biological organic chelator industrial waste water soil Ni Co
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