Abstract)From May 1980 to December 1991,500 casesof scoliosis with various etiologies were admittedto our hospital. Average age:10.5 years( 3 to14).350 cases were congenital(70%),7 of whichdevelpped acute postoperative cord-function im-pairment,of the 130 cases of idiopathic scoliosis,only one case had a neurological complication,In311, paraplegia occurred in 3 cases,monoplegia inone case and Brown-Sequard syndrome in onecase.Paraplegia developed fllowing the oPerationsfor congenital kyphoscoliosis;in 3 of the 4 mono-plegia cases the,affected limb was that on the con-cave side of the scoliosis.Procedures used include Harrington,s instru-mentation(4 cases),Luque ’s procedure(1 case),U-shape rod( 2 cases)and spinal release(1case),all with the sublaminar wire technique.Inthe 8 cases in which caznplications of acute cord-functiOn impairment occurred,7 have recovered .of which 6 have received the second correction op-eration; one case was operated on recently and isstill on her way to recovery.The author considers that these complicationsare the result of traction,with translocation of,orchange in the tension on.the cord Or dura materand the affected blood vesse1s.This complication can be detected in timeduring the awakening test before closure of thewound Once the diagnosis is established, earlierremocal of the instruments plays the key role intreatment.
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics