
用截除肢体复合软组织瓣修复截肢残端缺损 被引量:1

The use of compound soft tissue flap fromsevered limb for the repair of defect of the ampu-tation stump
摘要 介绍7例临床应用截除肢体复合软组织瓣修复截肢残端缺损的方法:(1)截肢部位带蒂正常组织瓣移位,5例;(2)截除肢体远端正常组织瓣游离移植,2例。经2.5~4年随访,3例死于肺转移,4例健在,局部病变均无复发。初步体会,用截除肢体复合软组织修复截肢残端缺损,具有能降低截肢平面,彻底切除病变,避免从非患肢切除组织瓣等优点。 AbstractAmputation stumps of seven cases of severelesions were treated with compound soft tissueflaps procured from severed limbs. The techniqueis classified into two types:(1)repair of defect ofthe amputation stump by compound soft tissueflap with pedicle nearby the operation area in 5cases and(2)treatment of the defect Witfreeflaps from distal normal part of the severed limbsin 2 cases. The patients were followed up for 2.5to 4 years. Local recurrence was not seen.Theprocedure has the following advantages:(1) thelength ol the stump can be increased;(2) the le-sions can be excised more radically and( 3 )flapsfrom the non affected limb can be avoided.
出处 《中华骨科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第7期416-419,共4页 Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics
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