
新型虫生菌提取物对慢性应激抑郁大鼠神经内分泌的影响 被引量:1

Effects of bioactive compounds from entomogenous fungi on neuroendocrine in depression rat models
摘要 目的研究新型虫生菌提取物(BCEF)对慢性应激抑郁大鼠神经内分泌影响。方法在慢性应激抑郁大鼠模型上采用放射免疫分析法检测下丘脑皮质酮及促肾上腺皮质激素含量;采用半定量逆转录-聚合酶链反应法检测下丘脑促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素信使核糖核酸表达。结果BCEF50、100mg·kg-1可显著降低模型大鼠下丘脑升高的皮质酮含量;BCEF25、100mg·kg-1可明显抑制模型大鼠下丘脑促肾上腺皮质激素含量的升高;BCEF50mg·kg-1可显著抑制模型大鼠下丘脑肾上腺皮质激素释放激素mRNA的过度表达。结论BCEF可改善抑郁大鼠过度应激的神经内分泌表达,这可能是其抗抑郁作用的重要机制之一。 AimTo study the effects of bioactive compounds from entomogenous fungi on neuroendocrine in depression rat models. Methods The chronic unpredictable stress model (CMS) was used. Radioimmunoassay (RIA) and Semi-quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (SQ-PCR) methods were used to study the modulation of corticosterone (CORT), adrenocorticortropin (ACTH) and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) mRNA expression in stressed rats by administration of BCEF. ResultsBCEF(50,100 mg·kg^-~1) could significantly decrease the concentration of CORT and BCEF(25,100 mg·kg^-~1) could effectively inhibit the concentration of ACTH in hypothalami. BCEF(50 mg·kg^-~1) could down-regulate the CRHmRNA expression in the central hypothalami .Conclusion BCEF could profoundly suppress the hyperactivity of neuroendocrine in CMS and this may be one of the mechanisms of it's antidepressant effect.
出处 《安徽医药》 CAS 2005年第6期411-413,共3页 Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal
基金 安徽省教育厅科学基金资助课题(编号2001KJ130) 安徽省科技厅自然科学基金资助课题(编号44415)
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