To explore the relationship between protein content in diet and Gz tolerance, 300 micewere randomly divided into 3 groups to which diet of different protein cohtent was given: 47. 6% of pro-tein by calorigenic value (high protein feed) in group A, 31. 1 % (moderate high protein feed)in group Band 15. 0% (ordinary basic feed) in group C. After being on the given diet fOr 3 weeks,60 mice ran-domly taken from each group were exposed to +16 Gz and 20 mice exposed to +20 Gz for 10 min. Mor-talities after exposure were counted,and movements of mice in 30 min following +Gz exposure recordedand compared with those of unexposed mice. The results showed that, in mice exposed to + 16 Gz therewas a tendency that the higher the protein content in diet the lower the mortality and the more move-ments recorded in 30 min after exposure,In mice exposed to +20 Gz the difference of mortalities among3 groups was non-significant. It was also found that the growth of body weight in mice on high proteindiet was significantly less than those on basic diet.
Dietary proteins Acceleration tolerance Mice