

Initial Observation on the Changes of the Postmortem Corneas in Dogs
摘要 尸体角膜的死后变化是法医实践中用以判断死后时间的最重要的早期指征之一,但有关这方面的研究迄今报告不多。为了深入探讨,我们利用心脏电生理实验后的犬,经过心脏放血处死后,对其角膜死后变化进行了光镜和电镜观察,现报告如下: The pathologic changes in a postmortem cornea were observed in dogs with light, naked-eyes, and electron microscopy. The dogs were sacrifeced,and their corneas were exicised immediately (used as control), 4, 8, 12, 18 hours, and then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 days after death. The tissue sections of a cornea were stained with HE and the ultrathin sections were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, and then were examined by light and electron micro-scopy, respectively, The results indicated that normal cornea was so clear and smooth that the pupil can be seen through it.The light microscopic structure of a normal cornea had 3 major layers which were regularly arranged. The corneas showed various degree cloudy and putrefaction from 4 hours to 5 days after death. The changes of a cornea were seen both in its epithelium and stroma by light microscopic examination. The epithelium had an uneven thickness, and some of the epithelium had desquamtions. The stroma irregularily thickness was also noted. The irregular running of the bundles of collagenous fibrils and marked vaculoations between the bundles were observed in the stroma. The desquamtions in some of the endothelium were occured. The organnelles of various cells were destroied ,but the nuclear changes were light by electromicroscopy. These morpholical changes in a postmortem cloudy cornea might be produced by the changes of water amounts in a cornea after death.
出处 《法医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 1990年第1期18-20,27,F003,共5页 Journal of Forensic Medicine
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