目的 为了使抑郁症病人早日康复,回归社会, 开拓更广阔的治疗和护理途径;方法 对50 例抑郁症患者进行心理治疗和心理护理,与50 例对照组对比分析,统计结果采用t 检验;结果 心理治疗和心理护理在缩短病程、减少药物用量、延长复发时间方面,观察组明显优于对照组(P均<0.01), 且可增强病人自我克制能力和社会适应能力;结论 心理因素不仅是心因性疾病和器质性疾病的重要诱因,而且在患病的过程中,病人也会产生各种心理反应,这对疾病的发生、发展及其转归都可产生重要影响。
Objective To recover the psychopaths with depression and send them back to society earlier, develop the wider methods of treatment and nursing.Methods 50 psychopaths with depression in the therapeutic group were given psychological treatment and mind care, and compared with 50 cases in the control group,the results were tested with t.Results The therapeutic group was superior to the control group in shortening the course of disease,reducing the dosage of medicine and extending the time of relapse.(P<0.01) The psychological treatment and mind care could enhence the patients'self-control and social adaptability.Conclusion The mental factors are the important inducation in psychogenic disease and organic disease even in the different courses of disease,the patients will give a variety of psychic reactions,which have an important effect on the happening,development,inversion and recovery of disease.
Journal of Heze Medical College