从历史和美学的角度研究 ,鸳鸯蝴蝶派对传统的才子佳人小说向现代言情小说的嬗变起了重要作用。它以其总体上的悲剧结局 ,对“情”的主题的高扬 ,叙事技巧的现代性 ,突破了传统言情小说封闭、静止的内向性结构 ,初步呈现出外向性 。
From the perspective of history and aesthetics,Yuanyanghudie School played an important role in the transition from Chinese traditional novels about bel esprit et belle to modern love story. These kinds of novels broke through structure of blockade and quiescent introversion of the traditional love story with overall tragic conclusion and eulogy of thematic sentiments. They present themselves as preliminary extroversion and have historically prepared for the appearance of the novels of new genre in the May Fourth Movement.
Journal of Anhui Institute of Education