新教师入职教育是教师培养培训过程中的重要一环。当前的教师见习试用期制度存在着一些明显的缺陷 ,建立新型的新教师入职教育制度迫在眉睫。我们所构想的新教师入职教育制度应具有以下要素 :以中小学为基地、能力为本与反思的结合、大学与中小学的全面合作。
New teacher's orientation is an important part of teacher's development and training. The mode of orientation for the new teachers should include the following elements: integration of the middle & primary school based training, abilities development with reflection; the cooperation between universities and middle & primary schools; perfect system of tutoring and corresponding policy support.
Journal of Anhui Institute of Education