Abstract The gland border between fundal and pyloric gland areas was studied by Congo-red stain followed by pentagastrin injection, and then biopsy on gastric mucosa under endoscopy in 4o patients. The patients were divided into three groups: 20 aged with duodenal ulcer (ADU group), 20 aged with chronic gastritis (ACG group)and 5 young patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia as control group. In ADU group, there were only 5 cases (25%) with moderate gastric atrophy (C3,01), no severe atrophy was found. While in the ACG group, 19 cases had various degrees of atrophy. Among them there were 15 cases with moderate and severe atrophy (02,03) that were 25% and 50% separately. In contrast, none in the young group showd atrophy. The difference between the ADU and ACG group was very significant (P<0.001). The results indicate thnt most of ADU kept normal foundal gland area, similar to tbe young control group. It implies that the ADU patients may have normal gland border and younger chronological stomach age.
Chinese Journal of Geriatrics