目的 观察应用消炎痛与硝苯吡啶治疗小儿神经性尿频症的疗效及探讨其机理。方法 将 6 2例病儿随机分为甲、乙组两组。甲组 30例采用消炎痛治疗。乙组 32例采用硝苯吡啶。两组性别、年龄、入院前病程 ,尿次具有可比性 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,疗程均为 7天。结果 甲乙两组总有效率分别为 93.3%和 90 .6 % (P >0 .0 5 ) ;用药 7天后分别减少至 12 .2± 3.6次 /d和 13.3± 3.8次 /d(P <0 .0 1)。不良反应甲组 9例 ,乙组 3例。结论 消炎痛与硝苯吡啶治疗小儿神经性尿频症均有效 ,消炎痛的不良反应较硝苯吡啶多。
Objective To compare indomethacin and nifedipine in children neurogenic frequent micturition.Methods 62 children with neurogenic frequent micturition were divided into two groups randomly. 30 cases were given indomethacin 0.5~1mg/kg tid,and 32 cases were given nifedipine 0.3~0.5mg/kg tid.The course of treatment was one week.Results The effective rates of the former and the latter groups were 93,3% and 90.6% respectively (P>0.05).The frequence of micturition was 12.2 times and 13.3 times each day (P<0.01)after a week's treatment.The adverse reaction was 9 cases and 3 cases respectively.Conclusion The two medicines are effective in chilchren neurogenic frequent micturition.But the adverse reaction in the indomethacin group is more than that in the nifedipine group.
Journal of Heze Medical College