目的 探讨高血压病患者与血液流变学及对预后的关系。方法 抽取空腹静脉血 ,抗凝处理后用旋转式粘度计测血液粘度 ,体外血栓形成和血小板粘附用XSNR型两用仪。结果 全血粘度、血浆粘度、体外血栓形成和血小板粘附率均显著增高。结论 高血压病患者易发生血液流变性异常 ,异常者血液处于高粘、高凝状态 ,有易形成血栓的趋势 。
Objective To discuss the relationship of hemerheology and patients with hypertension.Methods Withdraw the anticoagulative blood from the empty stomach, the blood viscosity was decided by rotary viscometer, the outside thrombosis and platelet adhensiveness were examined by XSNR.Results The whole blood viscosity, the plasma viscosity, the outside thrombosis and the platlet adhensive rate became much higher.Conclusion Patients with hypertension often appear abnormal hemerheology, their blood is in a state of high viscosity and high coagulation, it is easy to form thrombus.The seriousness degree is positively related to the the creasing of blood pressure.
Journal of Heze Medical College