n outbreak of measles broke out and pre- vailed in the Beijing Children Welfare House from March 23rd to April 27th.1992.The 18 vic- tims accounted for 4.8% of the whole infant popuLtion in the Welfare House,11 of them being babies of less than 8 months.One third of the attacked babies were in bad condition and were hospita lized in the observation room. The clinicaI manifestations indicated thdt severe symptoms,more complications but favotirable prognosis were characteristic of the infant patients.Based on the epidemiologic study and serologicaI test,it was found that the outb- reak and spread of the measles originated from outside the Welfare House,It was also found that the vaccinated handicapped infants expos- sed to natural measles were high1y protected. This investigation leads to the conclusion that the cause of this measles outbreak was laid to tke vacancy of planning immunizatiotn and the existence of a large number of non-protec- ted babies.
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology