目的 :评价利培酮配合氯硝西泮注射液治疗偏执型精神分裂症的疗效。 方法 :对病程 <3年的 80例首次住院 ,选用利培酮治疗的偏执型精神分裂症患者 ,随机分为合用氯硝西泮 (合用组 )和未合用氯硝西泮 (对照组 )各 4 0例 ,进行 8周治疗。采用阳性症状与阴性症状量表 (PANSS)评定疗效 ,副反应量表 (TESS)评定不良反应。 结果 :合用组治疗 2周后PANSS量表总分、阳性症状分、精神病理因子分及症状群中激活性、偏执、攻击性分值均显著下降 ;治疗 4周末时利培酮剂量合用组显著低于对照组。 结论 :利培酮配合氯硝西泮注射液治疗偏执型精神分裂症可缩短疗程 。
Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of risperidone combined with clonazepam injection in the treatment of paranoid schizophrenia. Method:80 first hospitalized schizophrenics with a course less than 3 years were randomly divided into two groups,one was treated with risperidone combined with clonazepam injection for 8 weeks,and the other was treated with risperidone only for the same time as well.Both groups were administered with the positive and negative symptoms scale (PANSS) and the treatment emergent signs and symptoms (TESS) to evaluate their treatment efficacy and side reaction respectively. Results:In the group treated with risperidone combined with clonazepam injection after a 2 week treatment,scores of total PANSS,negative symptoms,psychopathology,irritability,paranoid,aggressiveness significantly decreased.In addition,after a 4 week treatment,the dosage of risperidone in combined therapy was significantly lower than with risperidone only. Conclusion:Risperidone combined with clonazepam injection in the treatment of schizophrenia may not only shorten the length of treatment,but also improve positive symptom,and aggressive behavior.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry