Objective To analyze the molybdenum target rad iographic(MTR)and color Doppler ultrasonic(CDUS )imaging findings of benign and malignant breast nodul es.Methods Imaging data which were selected ran domly from 120patients with benign o r malignant breast nodules(D≤2.0cm)detected by MTR and CDUS and demonstr ated by postoperative pathology were analyzed retrospective-ly.Results Of all patients 40cases were benign n odules in which the most presented ro und or stripepatchy form with smooth borders on MTR.CDUS detected encapsulated ech o which mostly presented low or middl e homogenous echo.Color Doppler flo w imaging(CDFI )re-vealed that the blood flow signals we re found in 50%of benign lesions,whi le the rich blood flow was only found i n 8cases.Other 80cases were malignant nodules i.e.breast c arcinoma.On MTR imaging the most lesions presented round or irregular sh ape with spiculated or lob-ulated margin.Fine calcifications in the inside or surrounding of the le sions were partially found.CDFI shown that the blood flow signals were detected in all patients with breast carcinoma and 70%of lesions present ed the rich blood flow.Conclusion If only based on imaging findings of breast nodules on MTR and/or CDUS,We can differentiate benig n -from malignant breast nodules.[
Journal of Practical Medical Imaging
Breast nodules,benign
Breast carc inoma
Molybdenum target radiograp hy
Color Doppler ultrasound