目的 探讨脑卒中患者心律失常情况及其与岛叶病变的关系。方法 对 68例脑卒中患者和 30例对照组进行 2 4小时动态心电图检测和分析。结果 左侧大脑半球岛叶卒中患者急性期ST段降低发生率明显增高 ,右侧大脑半球岛叶卒中患者急性期室上性心律失常和房颤发生率增高。结论 左侧和右侧大脑半球卒中对心脏的传导系统影响不同 。
Objective To assess the effect of insular cortex on cardiac damage in patients with cerebral apoplexy.Methods 24-hour dynamic ECG recordings were performed in 68 patients with hemispheric cerebral apoplexy in the acute phase and in 30 control subjects.Results A significantly increased rate of ST segment abnormality was found in groups of left insular apoplexy compared with groups of lesions in other regions and with the controns Supraventricular arrhythmias were significantly increased in groups of right insular apoplexy compared with groups of lesions in other regions and with the control.Conclusion The effect of hemispheric cerebral apoplexy on heart function are mainly correlated with destruction of insular or regions adjacent to the insular.Incread arte of supraventricular arrhythmias is associated with right insular apoplexy,while increased rate of ST segment abnormality is associated with left insular apoplexy.
Journal of Heze Medical College