孔繁礼先生是个无冕学者 ,长期守望在中学讲台 ,至今年近八十连起码的“中教高职”都没有。他却数十年如一日 ,孜孜不倦地研究宋代文史 ,撰写出版之著作 14种 ,计有 76 0多万字 ,其中十部由中华书局出版。尚有十多部著作在出版中。已出版者如《苏轼年谱》、《全宋词补辑》、《宋诗纪事续补》 ,皆为轰动学界之上乘之作。对于日趋浮躁的中国学界来说 ,这位“迂”得可歌可泣的宋代文史研究专家的治学道路与精神境界无疑是一道新的风景线 。
Mr.Kong Fanli is a scholar without any titles who has taught in the middle school for a long time. Now he is approaching eighty, he has not got the rudimentary title yet.But for several ten years, he has been diligently studying the culture and history of Song dynasty。 He has written and published 14 kinds of works with 7600,000 words and ten of them have been published by Zhong Hua Publishing House .And more than ten works are to be pulished. The published ones such as “A Chronicle of Sushi's Life”,“Additional Volume of the Complete Song Poetry”and “Continuation of the Chronicle of Song Poetry”are works of a high order that have caused a sensation among the academic circles . For the Chinese academic circles which are becoming impetuous ,the way to study and the spirit of this touching and impressive “pedantic'specialist in Song culture and history set people thinking and make people awake.