目的 探讨外伤性后尿道断裂Ⅰ期手术吻合及预防尿道狭窄发生的机理。方法 采用腹会阴部联合切口 ,尿道置F18- 2 2双腔管做支架引流 ,尿道断端用 1- 0肠线间断外翻缝合。结果 9~ 10周拔除尿管后排尿通畅 ,仅有 3例尿线变细 ,经尿道扩张后消失。随访 2年无 1例尿道狭窄。结论 创伤小 ,出血少 ,并发症少 ,术后排尿通畅。
Objective To study anastomosis of rear urethral rupture and prevent urethral stricture.Methods Abdominperineal operations have been performed, F18-22 double tubes have been put into urethra .In order to drainage,urethral ruptured ends have been sutured.Results Most of the patients urinate easily after the urinatubes have been taken out after 9 to 10 weeks.Only three patients urinate less and the urine has beeome thin a month later. After the urethras have been dilated.the arination has become normal .No cases of urethral stricture has been found during two year`s visit. Conclusion This operating method has small cuts,less bleeding and less complications.The patients urinate easily after the operations.
Journal of Heze Medical College