目的 研究重复神经刺激技术 (RNS)对重症肌无力 (MG)疾病的诊断价值。方法 分别对我院诊治的 36例MG患者的面神经、腋神经及尺神经进行RNS检查 ,共检查 10 8条神经。结果 10 8条神经中RNS阳性率为 6 0 .2 % (6 5条 ) ,其中以腋神经对应的三角肌阳性率最高 ,为 77.8% (2 8/ 36 ) ,尺神经对应的小指展肌阳性率最低 ,为 4 1.7% (15/ 36 )。同一患者有一条或多条神经RNS阳性的病例数为总例数的 86 .1% (31/36 )。所有RNS阳性的MG患者在低频刺激即可获得阳性结果 ,最佳刺激频率为 3~ 5Hz。结论 对MG患者同时进行腋神经、面神经和尺神经的重频刺激 ,可提高RNS的阳性率。
Objective To study the diagnostic value of repetitivenerve stimulation test in myasthenia gravis.Methods The repetitive nerve stimulation test was performed at axillary nerves,ulnar nerves and facial nerves in 36 patients with myasthenia gravis which were treated in our hospital from October.108 nerves were tested.Results The RNS test positive rate of amplitude decrement in 108 nerves was 60.2% (65 nerves).Among them,the highest (77.8%) positive rate was deltoid muscle supported by axillary nerve,the lowest (41.7%) was abductor digiti minimi muscle supported by ulnar nerve.There were 31 cases (86.1%) had one or more than one nerves with positive results in 36 patients. The best stimulation frequancy were 3-5 Hz.Conclusion Stimulate the axillary nerve,facial nerve and ulnar nerve in the same patient,mayimprove the RNS positive rate in diagnosis of MG.
Journal of Heze Medical College