用放射免疫法检测了120例健康育龄妇女、41例念珠菌性阴道炎患者和29例阴道念珠菌带菌者阴道sIgA的浓度。念珠菌性阴道炎组根据白带直接镜检下念珠菌的形态分为两组:以孢子、芽管为主者为念珠菌性阴道炎1组,以菌丝为主者为念珠菌性阴道炎 组。结果表明,健康育龄妇女阴道sIgA浓度范围为206.0 100.1 g/ml,念珠菌带菌者阴道sIgA与健康对照组无差异。念珠菌性阴道炎 组阴道sIgA低于健康对照组,念珠菌性阴道炎 组则相反。
The sIgA concentrations in the vaginal secretion of 120 health childbearing age women, 41 women with vaginal candidiasis and 29 carriers of vaginal candida have been determined by RIA. The vaginalcandidiasis group is divided into two groups: in the group I(VC -- l), candida is in the form of spores and germ tubes ; in another group (VC -II), it takes the form of hyphae. The concentration of slgA in healthy women is 206. 0 t 100. 1 g /ml. There is no difference in the concentration of slgA between the vaginal candida carrieres and healthy women. The slgA concentration of VC-I is lower than that of healthy women, while is higher in VC -II than that in healthy women. The difference between the two groups of vaginal candidiasis is significant.
Chinese Journal of Dermatology