
La_(0.5)Sr_(0.5)CoO_3的化学溶液淀积法制备与表征及其应用 被引量:1

Preparation and Characterization of La_(0.5)Sr_(0.5)CoO_3 by Chemical Solution Deposition Method and Its Application
摘要 采用化学溶液淀积法制备了具有纯钙钛矿结构和良好导电性能的La_(0.5)Sr_(0.5)CoO_3(LSCO)薄膜。LSCO的电阻率随着退火温度的升高、退火时间的增长和厚度增加而减小。650°C退火可以得到7mΩ·cm的电阻率。分别在LSCO和Pt衬底上制备了Bi_4Ti_3O_(12)(BTO)薄膜,分析结果表明,使用LSCO衬底对BTO的析晶有影响,击穿电压、铁电特性均有较大改善。 Chemical solution deposition (CSD) method was employed to prepare La_~0.5 Sr_~0.5 CoO_3(LSCO) thin films with pure perovskite phase and good conductivity. The resistivity of LSCO thin films decreased as the annealing temperature,annealing time and thickness of films increased. Thin film with resistivity of 7mΩ·cm was obtained by annealing at 650~°C .Bi_4Ti_3O_~12 (BTO) was prepared on LSCO and Pt substrates respectively. It was found that LSCO could affect crystallization of BTO,the breakdown and ferroelectric properties of BTO prepared on LSCO were better than those of BTO prepared on Pt.
出处 《固体电子学研究与进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期280-284,共5页 Research & Progress of SSE
基金 上海市青年科技启明星计划及"863"专项(2002AA431300) 国家自然科学基金(60206005 60376017) 上海市科委项目(0352nm011)资助
关键词 镧锶钴氧 钛酸铋 化学溶液淀积 铁电薄膜 La_(0.5)Sr_(0.5)CoO_3 Bi_4Ti_3O_(12) Chemical solution deposition ferroelectric thin film
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