随着黑龙江省乳业在国民经济中的比重加大 ,乳业将成为区域经济新的增长点和农民增收的新途径。但是 ,黑龙江省乳业生产规模小 ,高级专业人才的缺乏 ,产品创新后劲的不足 ,融资渠道不畅等问题 ,已成为黑龙江省乳业发展壮大的瓶颈。应确定相应的规模发展、人才资源发展等研发战略 ,形成具有特色的乳产业基地 。
With enlarging ratio of Heilongjiang dairy industry to national economy, the dairy industry will become growth point of local economy and new way of increasing income for farmer. There are factor of one third scales in enterprise produce ability, lack of high specialists, shortage of product innovation and block of finance channel which give a threat to development of the dairy industry. We should confirm relevant development scales and talent and resource strategy in research and development and form dairy industry base with local feature, and let it become core industry in driving Heilongjiang economic development.
Business & Economy