在世界经济进一步全球化、自由化发展的环境下 ,品牌已成为企业的战略性资源与企业管理的核心 ,是企业竞争优势和长期利润的基础。品牌价值评估方法已被当作尖端的商业评估工具而广为使用。在外资收购我国品牌价值评估中存在品牌价值被忽视和没有找到合适的评估方法两大误区 ,使我国企业蒙受重大损失。我国对品牌价值评估不妨采用成本法、市场比较法和收益法 。
Under globalization and liberalization of world economy, brand has become strategic resource of enterprise and core of enterprise management, and is competitive edge and base of long-term profits. Evaluation method of brand value turns into better business evaluation instrument and use widely. There are two weaknesses such as ignored brand value and inadequate evaluation method in brand purchased by foreign capital. China should take on cost method, compared method between market and proceeds method so that reveal real value of brand.
Business & Economy