

Effect of Medium Acidity on Growth of Gleditsia sinensis Growing in Vitro
摘要 研究了培养基酸度对皂荚茎段试管苗生长的影响,结果表明,在初始pH值为3.5或5.8的MS培养基中,皂荚茎段培养一定时间后,培养基pH值均有所下降,降低的幅度与接种的试管苗数目有关。初始pH值不同(3.5或5.8)的MS培养基中茎段的分化率间存在差异。 Micropropagated Gleditsia sinensis was found to decrease the pH of Murashige and Skoog's plant tissue culture medium (initial pH 3.5 or 5.8) to different values depending on the numbers of plants per tub. The difference was found in the rate of differentiation after plants had been grown on medium initially adjusted or buffered to values 3.5 or 5.8.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2005年第6期89-90,136,共3页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 "北京奥运绿化和美化科技工程-城市绿化关键技术研究"(2003BA904B07) "十五"国家攻关"林木种质资源保存技术创新与利用研究"(2001BA511B10)
关键词 试管培养 皂荚 酸度 MS培养基 初始PH值 茎段培养 苗生长 分化率 苗数 接种 Gleditsia sinensis, pH value, Tissue culture
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