新疆罗布泊野骆驼自然保护区位于我国西部极旱荒漠带 ,以保护世界濒危物种———野双峰驼为主要对象 ,同时也保护当地特有的地貌、盐泉、丝绸之路遗迹及其他珍稀动植物物种 ,面积 7 8× 10 4km2 。该保护区在世界生物多样性保护中有重大作用。由于周边地区经济的发展 ,对该保护区的影响逐渐扩大 ,威胁到野生动植物的生存安全 ,急需加强宣传、建卡、检查、巡护等保护管理措施 ,同时需要提高周边贫困社区人民生活水平 。
Xinjiang Lop-Nor Wild Camel Reserve locate arid desert area of west China. The area not only protect an extreme endanger species of animal in the world--wild camel, but also biodiversity, specialty relief, salt spring, silk road relic and other endanger species. The reserve area is 78×10~4km^2. Because of economy developing near edge reserve, biodiversity and endanger species suffer from livestock grazing, mine developing, etc. Reserve Office will improve public education, establish checkpoints and patrol in and near reserve. Meantime, improve poverty community people's income and intensify control illegal mine exploitation.
Environmental Protection of Xinjiang